Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who's surprised?

So I met the lazy e-mailers in class today, and who's surprised that one of the two offenders walked into class 10 minutes late? Mark my words: this student is not getting higher than a C.

On the other hand, the student was wearing a Cubs shirt so maybe he's not that dumb afterall...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More pre-semester e-mail.

I just received another e-mail from a student:

"I will be in your class this fall.? If you could, I wouldlike to find out the ISBN of the book I need to purchase.? Thank you so much."

Once again, don't you love how they assume I can read their minds about which class they'll be taking... as if I only teach one class or I readily know the names of the students in each class three weeks before any of my classes have met.

What I also like about this e-mail is the request for me to do her work. GO TO THE BOOKSTORE. (And that's essentially what I told her.)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

And school hasn't even started yet.

I received this e-mail from a student yesterday:

"Hi. Im in your Psychology class fo this upcoming schoolyear and I need to know the books I need to buy for your class. Can you please e-mail me back with this information?"

First, find the apostrophe on your cell phone.

Second, um, every student needs to know the books he/she needs for the upcoming semester. There's this fancy thing called a 'bookstore' on campus just for that.

Third, I teach four psychology classes next semester. "Your psychology class" is not helpful.

I do not predict a successful semester for this student. I'll try to remember at the end of the semester to post this student's grade.